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Passive Present & Past

Passive Present

Remember that the verb "to be" has to be used in all passive sentences and must be plural if the subject is plural:

This phone is made of plastic.
These chairs are made of wood.

After the verb "to be", you must use the past participle in all tenses.

Vintage wine is sold on the second floor.
Vintage wine is sell on the second floor.

The passive is used in the present often to describe processes:

The half-finished machine is then sent to Room 4 for painting.
The wine is then taken and put into bottles.

Passive Past

Remember with the passive that the past participle is always the same. 
It is the verb "to be" that changes:

I was driven around in the taxi at high speed.
We were treated terribly at the hotel last year.
I had to be taken to hospital immediately.

Note how the passive in English is more flexible than in other languages. Look at these two sentences:

The letter was sent by Express Post and arrived at 9am.
I was sent a letter by my wife.

In the first, it's clear that the subject of the passive sentence is the letter. In the second, it is not "I" that is sent, but, again, the letter. English allows for this type of construction. Other examples:

They were given a new TV for Christmas. (the TV is given, not 'they')
She was promised a pay rise by the boss. (the pay rise is promised, not 'she')

Passive Overview

 We form the passive using the relevant tense of the verb to be, plus the past participle of the main verb.

So for the verb clean, we would have:

Passive Summary of Tenses
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Future Simple
Going To Future
Present Perfect
Past Perfect Simple
The room is cleaned every day
It is being cleaned now
It was cleaned yesterday
It was being cleaned at six yesterday
It will be cleaned tomorrow
It is going to be cleaned tomorrow
It has been cleaned twice
It had been cleaned before
It can be cleaned easily
It should be cleaned daily

To form the question, we put the auxiliary verb first:

Is it being cleaned today?
Had it been cleaned before?
Should it be cleaned daily?

How to Use Passive

Look at this sentence:

They will deliver the letter tomorrow.

"the letter" is the object of the sentence. "they" is the subject. We can make "the letter" the subject:

The letter will be delivered tomorrow.

And if we want, we can include the subject of the first sentence:

The letter will be delivered by them tomorrow.

So we use the passive to say what happens to the subject of a sentence.

The bridge was painted in 1999.
Military jets are usually flown by men.
The flight to Boston will be delayed because of the striking ground crew.

And we use an active sentence to say what a subject does:

John Exmoor painted that bridge in 1999.
Air Force pilots, usually men, fly military jets.
Striking ground crew will delay the departure of the Boston flight.

Sometimes, active sentences sound unnatural because who does the action is not important or not known. The action itself is important.

Tickets can be purchased from the booth at the entrance.
Spanish is spoken in much of South America.
Edward Moore was killed at his farm late last night.

The same sentences rewritten using the active would not be wrong, but the subject of these sentences would sound strange:

You can purchase tickets from the booth at the entrance.
People speak Spanish in much of South America.
Someone killed Edward Moore at his farm late last night.

Future Continuous Tense

 We make the future continuous tense by using the future of the verb "to be" plus the main verb in the "-ing" form.

So, for the verb "sit":

Present Continuous
I will be sitting
You will be sitting
He will be sitting
She will be sitting
It will be sitting
We will be sitting
You will be sitting
They will be sitting
I won't be sitting
You won't be sitting
He won't be sitting
She won't be sitting
It won't be sitting
We won't be sitting
You won't be sitting
They won't be sitting
Will I be sitting?
Will you be sitting?
Will he be sitting?
Will she be sitting?
Will it be sitting?
Will we be sitting?
Will you be sitting?
Will they be sitting?

We use the future continuous tense to talk about what will be happening at a certain time in the future. 


When your mother arrives at 6pm tomorrow, you will still be working.
As you arrive at work on Monday morning, I will be sitting on a beach in Cuba!
Don't call us at 9pm. We'll be eating dinner at that time.

Just like the past continuous, it can also be used to give information about what will be happening in the background. Using the tense like this is quite unusual.


I hope when I get up tomorrow, the birds will be singing and my mum will be cooking my breakfast!


Look at these future sentences and decide if they are correct or wrong.

Mengatasi Kekhawatiran Anak

Tanpa disadari anak-anak juga terkadang mengalami masalah kekhawatiran atau rasa cemas.  Perasaan ini yang terkadang tidak terdeksi oleh orangtua. Membantu anak mengatasi kekhawatiran mereka adalah bagian penting dalam mendukung kesejahteraan mereka secara keseluruhan. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang dapat kita lakukan sebagai orangtua: 

 1. Dengarkan dengan Empati: Jadilah pendengar yang baik ketika anak ingin berbicara tentang kekhawatiran mereka. Berikan perhatian penuh dan tunjukkan empati terhadap perasaan mereka. Hindari meremehkan atau mengabaikan kekhawatiran mereka, bahkan jika terlihat sepele bagi orangtua. 

 2. Validasi Perasaan: Bantu anak merasa bahwa perasaan mereka valid dengan cara mengakui kekhawatiran mereka. Sebagai orangtua, kita bisa mengatakan sesuatu seperti, "Saya bisa memahami bagaimana hal itu bisa membuatmu merasa khawatir," atau "Ketika kita merasa cemas, hal ini bisa membuat kita merasakan seperti ini." 

 3. Edukasi tentang Kecemasan: Berbicaralah kepada anak tentang apa yang terjadi ketika kita merasa cemas dan bagaimana tubuh kita bereaksi. Berikan penjelasan yang sesuai dengan usia mereka. Mengetahui bahwa kekhawatiran adalah reaksi alami tubuh dapat membantu mereka merasa lebih terkendali. 

 4. Ajarkan Strategi Mengatasi Kecemasan: Ajari anak strategi untuk mengelola kekhawatiran mereka, seperti teknik pernapasan dalam, visualisasi, atau teknik relaksasi lainnya. Latihlah mereka untuk mengidentifikasi pikiran negatif dan mengubahnya menjadi pikiran yang lebih positif. 

 5. Berikan Rasa Aman: Buatlah lingkungan di rumah yang aman dan terbuka di mana anak merasa nyaman berbicara tentang kekhawatiran mereka. Pastikan mereka tahu bahwa mereka selalu dapat mengandalkan orangtua untuk dukungan dan bantuan. 

 6. Berikan Contoh Positif: Tunjukkan kepada anak bagaimana kita sebagai orangtua mengatasi kekhawatiran kita sendiri dengan cara yang sehat dan produktif. Ini bisa menjadi model yang kuat bagi mereka untuk belajar cara menghadapi tantangan emosional. 

 7. Cari Bantuan Profesional jika Diperlukan: Jika kekhawatiran anak tampak mengganggu kehidupan sehari-hari mereka atau jika Anda merasa mereka membutuhkan bantuan tambahan, pertimbangkan untuk mencari bantuan dari seorang profesional, seperti psikolog anak atau konselor sekolah. Ingatlah bahwa setiap anak memiliki pengalaman dan kebutuhan yang berbeda, jadi penting untuk beradaptasi dengan cara yang paling efektif bagi mereka. Dengan memberikan dukungan, pengertian, dan alat yang tepat, Anda dapat membantu anak Anda mengatasi kekhawatiran mereka dan tumbuh menjadi individu yang lebih tangguh dan percaya diri.

Permission & Obligation: Make, Let, Allow

 These three words are used to talk about permission and obligation.


If someone obliges, forces someone to do something, we use "make". The construction is:

make someone do something.

Unlike most verb, then, we don't use "to" in the infinitive.


My teacher made me do extra homework because of the trouble I caused.
Some banks make you pay too many bank charges.

In the passive, we add "to" after make.

She was made to leave the room while the plans were discussed.


If we have permission from someone to do something, we use "let". The construction is:

let someone do something.

Again, we don't use "to" in the infinitive.


My mother lets me stay out till midnight on a Saturday.
Let me go! I promise I won't tell anyone.

  • In the passive, let is not possible. We must use allow to:

I was allowed to leave early.


If someone gives us permission or the possibility to do something, we use "allow to". The construction is:

allow someone to do something.


Working from home allows me to spend more time with my family
My father never allows me to stay out too late.

It is used very often in the passive. In this way, the person given the permission is made the subject of the sentence.

You're not allowed to smoke in this room.
They're not allowed to get married yet. Their parents say they are too young.

Alasan Mengapa Anak Tidak Berani Menceritakan Masalah Mereka Kepada Orangtuanya

Ada beberapa alasan mengapa anak merasa ragu untuk menceritakan masalahnya kepada orang tuanya. Salah satu alasan utamanya adalah rasa takut dihakimi atau dimarahi oleh orang tuanya. Anak juga mungkin merasa orang tuanya tidak mudah didekati atau tidak memahami permasalahannya. Alasan lainnya karena anak-anak mungkin merasa malu atau malu untuk menceritakan masalah tertentu kepada orang tuanya, terutama jika mereka merasa hal tersebut dapat mengecewakan atau membuat mereka kesal. Penting bagi orang tua untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang aman dan nyaman bagi anak untuk berbagi permasalahannya. Orang tua harus berusaha untuk bersikap mudah didekati, tidak menghakimi, dan berempati terhadap anak-anak mereka. Orang tua juga dapat mendorong anak untuk menceritakan masalahnya dengan mengajukan pertanyaan terbuka dan secara aktif mendengarkan tanggapan anak. Penting bagi orang tua untuk memahami bahwa anak-anak mereka mungkin memiliki perspektif dan pengalaman yang berbeda, dan penting untuk memvalidasi perasaan dan emosi mereka.


Selain itu, orang tua juga dapat mencari bantuan terapis atau konselor jika mereka merasa anak mereka sedang berjuang dengan masalah kesehatan emosional atau mental. Seorang terapis dapat memberikan ruang yang aman dan rahasia bagi anak-anak untuk berbagi masalah mereka dan membantu mereka mengembangkan strategi mengatasi masalah mereka. 

Untuk menghindari kemungkinan anak tidak berani terbuka kepada orangtuanya, sangatlah penting bagi orang tua untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang aman dan mendukung bagi anak-anak mereka untuk berbagi masalah mereka. Orang tua harus berusaha untuk bersikap mudah didekati, berempati, dan tidak menghakimi anak-anak mereka. Jika anak-anak mereka berjuang dengan masalah kesehatan emosional atau mental, orang tua dapat mencari bantuan terapis untuk memberikan dukungan dan bimbingan yang diperlukan.